radio interview: selflove, beauty surgeries & social media
radio interview: selflove, beauty surgeries & social media 1024 576 Anja Zeidler Anja Zeidler no comments
A few weeks ago, i received an email from Simi Ruckstuhl, host at radio 3FACH in Lucerne. Simi invited me for an interview. Topic: selflove, beauty surgeries and social media!
Even though my calender was actually already full, i wanted to make time for this. And I’m glad i did!
I recorded the entire interview and put in on youtube for you. Here is the link:
It is in swiss german though, but in case you understand, i hope it inspires! All of you, men and women! ☺
It was one oft he best interviews i ever had. Also because even Simi gave a lot about herself price! Just click it and listen to two women, talking and philosophizing about selflove.
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