Help animal shelter!
Help animal shelter! 1024 683 Anja Zeidler Anja Zeidler no comments
Everybody who follows me already figured: I love animals! All kinds of! I do not make a difference in any of them. To me, we are all earthlings and we all have a right to live, to be loved and to be treated with respect.
I want to give a voice to the voiceless and support the animal shelter, Tierheim an der Ron, in Lucerne.
This animal shelter is part of animal protection associaton Lucerne and has been around since 22 years.
If you are thinking of adding a furry friend to your family, please, think of animal shelter first. Adopt, don’t shop!
Those animals have been abandoned and left behind. They are waiting for you to rescue, for you to give them a home and love them.
I also think, people do have a wrong imagination of what animal shelter is. Animal care attendants do not only pet animals and walk dogs, most of their job is cleaning and supporting. All oft hat costs time – and loads of money!
Animal shelters live on donations, the only way they can afford giving animals what they need: food, medical treatment, shelter, care and dogs at „Tierheim an der Ron“ even get dog training lessons – not necessarily to learn manners, but to have fun! Tierheim an der Ron wants to make the (hopefully only temporary) life of their animals as beautiful as possible.
Normally there are around 100 animals at Tierheim an der Ron. All that costs a fortune. This is why I just started a „Crowd-funding“! I would love you – my community – and everyone who reads this blog post, kindly ask to help donation whatever you can afford. Even if it’s just a few bucks, every cent helps! Through this link you can donate: it only takes a few clicks.
THANK YOU! Me and the animals aprecciate your big heart!
An on top: I am sooo excited, today i fell in love with two cats and will go take them home next week! I can not wait to give them a new home and lots of cuddles and love!
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