Fit chick food plan “gain & shape”

Fit chick food plan “gain & shape” 150 150 Anja Zeidler
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Dieser Ernährungsplan zeigt dir auf, wie du dich als „Fitness-chick“ ernähren sollst. Hier wird auf This food plan shows you how to eat as a “Fit-chick” if you want to gain lean muscle mass. No one needs to bulk and get fluffy, so make sure you eat enough but not too much. This will give you an idea of what’s about right! You also get some great information about nutrition. This food plan helped a lot of my clients, but be aware that this doesn’t replace a personalized online coaching! For your personalized macros & calories, reach out through “online coaching”!

$30.00 – Download enthält 7.7% Mwst.